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TREND ALERT: Hanging Mirrors | DIY Tips

Posted on February 24 2017

TREND ALERT: Hanging Mirrors | DIY Tips

Mirrors are such a versatile design element - they can give life to empty wall space, make rooms feel bigger, and bring more natural light into your home.

One great trend that's been going around is hanging mirrors with chains, rope, or ribbons.

If you're looking for a quick and easy DIY and your mirrors are fairly light, ribbons are your best option. It's a great way to spruce up cheap and even dollar-store mirrors!

There is a special knot involved, however. Check out the DIY for instructions. 


#dunelm #hangingmirrors #bedroom

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For heavier mirrors, rope and chain are better - make sure you check the max load is higher than the weight of your mirror and your screws are secured to studs! Plus, take it a step up by using decorative chain instead of standard link chain.

Also check out the DIY for using rope and scroll through the pictures below for some insipration!


Getting on board this mirror hanging trend? Decorative chain found at RCHHARDWARE.COM

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Bevelled edge mirror on hanging chain. £70. 46 x 36cm.

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